“…Sense of peace living in Portland”
Becky H.
Hi! I’m Becky and I recently had an “Aha moment” the other day.
My son Everett and I were just walking through the neighborhood after finishing a run and I have been trying to use running as my time for prayer and reflection. And after this particular run I just had this sense of peace about where I’ve been living in Portland and as my husband and I get ready to think about new moves, our future, I’ve realized how much Portland has taught me and it’s…it was a great sense of peace knowing that Portland has taught me how to be a better person inside and out. Just how we eat, how we treat people, how we have learned to love others that may not be anything like us.
It’s been a really wonderful growing experience and I think I’m a better person all-around because of that. So, it was a great moment of peace and I’m really glad that I caught it before it flew away.